Sunday, June 29, 2008

News Buzz: Esther Negotiating On BSS Comeback


Recent rumors have stated that Moses Chan Ho and Esther Kwan Wing-Ho will collaborate in Best Selling Secrets in order to save the failing ratings, but according to MingPao sources, even though Moses has completed his part in grand production Moonlight Resonance, he will not be joining the sitcom. When asked about the rumors on joining BSS, Moses replied through SMS, stating that he was not informed of such plan. As with Esther, her manager Canny says, “Still negotiating, chances are half-half. Esther’s contract with TVB has not ended. We’ll have to see how time management goes, but TVB is very cooperative, they are willing to adjust their schedule to satisfy Esther. Other than taking care of Brittany, Esther also has other work.”

Best Selling Secrets will end on August 7th, followed by Olympics programs. New sitcom filming starts mid-September. Most of the BSS cast will be filming the new sitcom. Regarding rumors on Joyce Cheng Yan-Yee being part of the sitcom, Florence Chan Suk-Fun says Joyce is still negotiating with TVB. Speech of Silence premiered this week, theme song feedback is positive. If Joyce is able to join the BSS cast for the new sitcom, her exposure will increase greatly.

Credit: MP

Posted on 06/29/08

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

News Buzz: BSS Producer Considered Esther's Return


Joyce Cheng Yan-Yee not only is preparing to become a singer, but also an actor. Sources indicate that Joyce is currently negotiating with TVB and may very well become a cast member of the new upcoming sitcom. Teresa Mo Shun-Kwan, who refused to film Best Selling Secrets, may film this new one along with Joyce and veteran Ng Kwan Lai. Joyce has been given many opportunities by TVB, including singing the theme song to TVB series Speech of Silence, this "Fa Dan" treatment makes many envious.

Best Selling Secrets will air its last episode on August 7th, TVB is already in preparation for a new sitcom. Even though various rumors indicate that the new sitcom will be a continuation of Best Selling Secrets, sources indicate that the new sitcom would only keep few of the original cast including Elvina Kong Yan-Yin, Florence Kwok Siu-Wan and Wong Cho Lam. The new sitcom would actually be a new story, with new relationships and additional cast.

As rumors indicate, Joyce has always wanted to film a series; After many eliminations by Florence Chan Suk-Fan, Joyce has finally decided the offer of filming the new sitcom.

Joyce may also sing the theme song of the new sitcom, be able to sing and act in the new sitcom, looks like Joyce had already taken a large step into success.

The new focus of the sitcom will no longer revolve around office politics, but rather a magazine company. Two leading actress would control two separate departments, and the plot continues from there on. Topics to write about includes entertainment buzz and social concerns.

With Best Selling Secrets soon ending, latest reports have indicated that last year's Best Actor winner Moses Chan Ho will join the sitcom to save the failing rating. Producer Lo Shun Ngok clarified that last night the sitcom achieved a 31 point rating, higher than the premiere of Speech of Silence's, which managed 30 points. Producer Lo emphasized that the sitcom is not loosing its audience.

To make the ending more special, Producer Lo considered many options, which included inviting former cast member Esther Kwan Wing-Ho and Best Actor Moses Chan to collaborate as a couple in the sitcom's finale. Plans have changed since and nothing is yet confirmed.

鄭 欣 宜 除 了 出 碟 做 歌 星 外 , 還 有 機 會 為 無 拍 劇 。 據 知 她 已 密 斟 接 拍 無 新 一 輯 處 境 劇 , 有 機 會 跟 毛 舜 筠 與 吳 君 麗 等 好 戲 之 人 合 作 , 欣 宜 更 連 主 題 曲 都 唱 埋 , 受 力 捧 程 度 猶 如 一 線 花 旦 , 真 係 恨 死 一 班 姐 仔 。

《 同 事 三 分 親 》 將 於 八 月 七 日 播 映 最 後 一 集 , 無 近 日 正 積 極 籌 備 新 一 輯 處 境 劇 , 雖 然 一 直 有 傳 新 劇 是 《 同 事 三 分 親 》 的 延 續 , 但 據知 只 是 保 留 該 劇 部 分 演 員 , 如 江 欣 燕 、 王 祖 藍 、 郭 少 芸 等 , 實 質 是 全 新 故 事 背 景 與人 物 關 係 , 並 加 入 一 批 新 主 角 。

夥 拍 好 戲 之 人
據 悉 , 欣 宜 一 直 希 望 拍 劇 , 經 過 陳 淑 芬 細 心 為 她 挑 選後 , 差 不 多 已 落 實 接 拍 這 部 處 境 劇 , 加 上 同 劇 有 好 戲 之 人 毛 舜 筠 與 「 粵 語 片 花 旦 」吳 君 麗 , 相 信 有 一 定 吸 引 力 。

而 正 向 樂 壇 發 展 的 欣 宜 , 更 是 唱 主 題 曲 第 一 人 選 , 能 夠 成 為 處 境 劇 主 角 兼 唱 主 題 曲 , 欣 宜 進 軍 娛 樂 圈 可 說 是 已 踏 出 成 功 第 一 步 。

至 於 劇 集 故 事 背 景 , 會 由 廣 告 公 司 變 為 雜 誌 社 , 以 兩 位 女 主 角 掌 管 兩 大 部 門 , 期 間 針 鋒 相 對 , 劇 情 更 會 牽 涉 娛 樂 圈 、 社 會 時 事 等 話 題 。

否 認 陳 豪 救 亡
《 同 事 三 分 親 》 即 將 大 結 局 , 昨 日 有 報 道 會 加 入 陳 豪救 亡 收 視 。 對 此 監 製 羅 鎮 岳 作 出 否 認 , 澄 清 前 晚 收 視 三 十 一 點 , 比 剛 推 出 之 《 甜 言蜜 語 》 卅 點 還 要 高 , 故 此 絕 對 不 用 救 亡 。

為 了 令 結 局 更 特 別 , 羅 鎮 岳 曾 想 過 多 個 方 案 , 包 括 邀 請 關 詠 荷 助 陣 , 與 陳 豪 配 成 一 對 , 但 現 在 計 劃 有 變 。

Credit: OD

Posted on 06/24/08

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Latest Rumors: Esther Returns For BSS Finale

Many rumors have been spreading around the net as Best Selling Secrets nears its end, my HK friend informed me of a few. Recent rumors includes Esther and Nick filming "something", and Esther and Geoffrey filming in the rain. I sure hope the rumors are true, fans keep praying :)

Posted on 06/15/08